Host Bhaskar Choudhury chats with Bollywood icon, Shabana Azmi and seasoned documentary maker Sumantra Ghosal about the documentary film, Kaifinama. So much unmissable content is packed into this half an hour conversation! Our guests talk about everything from documenting Kaifi Azmi’s life in a meaningful way to how Sumantra’s background in documentary films paved the way to him helming this project.

Kaifinama synopsis: The progressive Urdu poet Kaifi Azmi was both a poet for social change and one of the foremost lyricists in the Hindi film industry. Not content to limit himself to fine writing, he worked ceaselessly throughout his life as a catalyst for change among the disenfranchised.

Kaifinama recently screened at the ARC Stockton Arts Centre (24th March 2022). ARC Stockton’s Bigger Picture Project aims to incorporate all members of society within the arts by showcasing diverse film projects.


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