Sajid Nadiadwala and Kabir Khan’s jointly produced and much-awaited film ‘Chandu Champion’ starring Kartik Aaryan has been making a noise. With back-to-back 3 different posters released straight in a row has peaked audiences exictement for the film.

From the very first poster, the audiences have been eagerly awaiting this very moment of trailer launch in Gwalior. The posters introduced everyone to the various flavors of this biggest cinematic spectacle, each of them flaunting Kartik Aaryan’s versatility and transformation journey. But it was the trailer that stole the spotlight, fulfilling the demand of the nationwide audiences and driving them into an ecstatic frenzy!

The trailer launched in Gwalior is loaded with emotional moments, action, a glimpse of the biggest-ever war sequence, the extraordinary journey of a man who refused to surrender, and heart-warming moments. The trailer grants the audience a sneak peek into the big-scale world of ‘Chandu Champion’ that could have happened only with the solid support of producer Sajid Nadiadwala who is bringing this story to the audiences. Kartik Aaryan’s incredible transformation as a soldier, boxer, and wrestler, channels his dedication, and perfection, intensifying the countdown to its release in cinemas on June 14th, 2024.

Visually stunning and captivating also filled with the heart-pumping background score, the trailer promises a cinematic spectacle, setting the stage for “Chandu Champion” to rewrite box office records upon its big-screen debut. Sajid Nadiadwala produced and Kabir Khan directed film carries colossal expectations on its shoulders and the anticipation after the trailer to experience the film in theatres has reached an all-time high as it promises an unforgettable cinematic journey and ensures that it connects with every segment of moviegoers.

Jointly produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and Kabir Khan, ‘Chandu Champion’ is set for a June 14, 2024 release, and is poised to leave an indelible mark on the hearts of audiences worldwide.


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