ReelN Ltd presents SAHM ON SCREEN, a two-day event in the South Asian Heritage Month calendar not to be missed!

Hosted by Journalist Anuj Radia, Filme Shilmy

Day One: Documentary film screening, Untying the knot by director Zana Shammi and short film Maida by director Lubna Yusuf. Q&A with Mr Harish Sadani co-founder of MAVA Mumbai (Men Against Violence and Abuse) and Samabhav International Film Festival joining us from India to discuss curating these film titles and raising awareness of key issues like domestic violence and harassment faced by South Asian Women.

Day Two: A selection of short films linked together by a common theme – love overcoming obstacles:

  • UK Premiere Love In The Times Of Corona, a three-film anthology dir. Indrani Ray
  • My Mother’s Girlfriend dir. Arun Fulara
  • SnapShot dir. Sharaz Ali

Joining Anuj Radia to introduce the short film selection will be director Sharaz Ali, producer and curator of My Mother’s Girlfriend Neeraj Churi and Harish Sadani. Recorded Q&A with director Indrani Ray will be shown on the screen.

Age Ratings TBC

SAHM on Screen ONE
Fri, 15 July 2022, 17:00 – 20:00

SAHM on Screen TWO
Sat, 16 July 2022, 17:00 – 20:00

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