ZEE5 Global, the world’s largest streaming platform for South Asian content, recently launched the trailer for its upcoming Hindi Original drama series, Maeri. Produced by Sachinn Darekkar’s Zenith Pictures, Maeri is a gripping emotional thriller that explores the complex relationships within a family; the show unveils a lot of hidden truths and personal secrets. Maeri brings together a stellar cast, including Sai Deodhar as the determined mother Tara Deshpande, Sagar Deshmukh as her husband Hemant Deshpande, Tanvi Mundle as their spirited daughter Manasvi, and Chinmay Mandlekar as the gritty ACP Khandekar. Audiences can stream Maeri on ZEE5 Global starting December 06.
Trailer Link: https://youtu.be/XX06r4IhHNY
Maeri revolves around the story of a mother, Tara Deshpande, who is pushed to the edge when her beloved daughter, Manasvi, is brutally assaulted by a group of influential young men. As the judicial system fails to deliver justice, Tara embarks on a dangerous, secret battle against the powerful perpetrators, using every resource and tactic at her disposal to obtain revenge. As the stakes grow higher, Tara must navigate her fractured family dynamics, face a relentless police officer, and confront her own moral boundaries. With each twist, the tension escalates, leading to a shocking final confrontation. Will Tara’s pursuit of vengeance cost her everything?
As Tara and Hemant Deshpande navigate their tangled lives, the story unfolds a series of suspenseful events that force them to confront their deepest fears and choices. The audience can watch Maeri in Hindi starting December 06 only on ZEE5 Global.
Producer and director Sachinn Darekkar commented, “Collaborating with ZEE5 Global has been an exciting opportunity, as it allows us to bring our narrative to a wider audience, highlighting the strength at a global scale. ‘Maeri’ is a revenge drama series that intertwines suspense, human relationships, and complex personal conflicts, focusing on the intricate bond between a mother, father, and daughter—each struggling with their own truths and the consequences of their choices. The story of ‘Maeri’ is not just about vengeance—it’s about the raw emotions that come with loss, love, and the determination to fight when everything seems to be against you. I am thrilled that the audience will experience the story’s twists and the powerful journey of its characters.”
Sai Deodhar shared, “Playing Tara Deshpande has been an incredibly intense and emotional journey for me. Tara is a mother who is pushed to her limits by an unimaginable tragedy, and her quest for justice becomes both her strength and her burden. I’m thrilled to be a part of this powerful story and to bring Tara’s story to life. I can’t wait for audiences to watch the show and experience the thrilling twists and deep emotional layers it offers. ‘Maeri’ is a story that will resonate with everyone, and I am looking forward for its release on ZEE5 Global.”
Tanvi Mundle who plays the daughter shared, “When I first heard the story of ‘Maeri,’ I was immediately captivated. The story is so emotionally powerful. Manasvi’s journey is one of personal growth, where she learns to deal with the complex emotions of loss and discovery. What makes it even more special is the opportunity to share the screen with such versatile actors such as Sai Deodhar and Sagar Deshmukh. I’ve learned so much from them. I’m beyond excited for the audience to experience the emotional depth and thrills of ‘Maeri’ on ZEE5 Global!”
Experience suspense, emotion, and plenty of thrilling twists in ‘Maeri’, now available on ZEE5 Global!